You might see it pop up all over the place: personal branding. What exactly IS personal branding and how do you get one for yourself? First spilled secret here: you don’t have to get one, because you already have one. You just have to find it and get it clear for yourself. But first, let’s start with what exactly is personal branding?
What is personal branding and why do you want to use it?
Basically, it comes down to: personal branding is you. What does that mean? It means that your personal brand is everything that you are and what you stand for. And that’s exactly why it’s so great! It’s who you are, and there isn’t another one of you on this planet. You can just be who you are instead of pretending to be someone else. That’s something we all thought we should do in the early stages of our career, right? Pretending to be this super professional candidate. Someone who speaks differently, writes differently, dresses differently and acts differently than the actual person that we are. There’s none of that anymore. You can just be YOU.
Besides the fact that it’s amazing and you can actually be yourself, there’s also another HUGE reason why you want to be using it.
Yes! Can we get a “Hallelujah”? It’s not just great for you, but it’s also something that they want to see on the other side.
Lacking a personal brand vs. a personal brand
Before we continue on how to find it, get clear on it and implement it, I just want to show you an example of what a certain person looks like without a personal brand vs. that same person with a personal brand.
And it can get WAAAAAAY better than that. But do you already see the difference and do you also see why a recruiter and a hiring manager are more interested in people that are using their personal brand than the ones that aren’t?
How to find your personal brand?
Which one of you has ever heard of the Golden Circle Strategy by Simon Sinek? It’s awesome and that’s exactly what we’re going to use for your personal brand. Simon Sinek used it to find out why one computer brand was selling more and for a higher price than the other. But we’re going to use it to build a strong personal brand that you can use for your career, so you become that “higher priced but more interesting computer”. Say what now? Yes, we’re going to get you your personal brand, so that you can use it and you become that candidate that they not only want to hire, but want to pay MORE. Yes, all my clients experienced it, so it’s possible. Let’s get to it!
This is exactly how you want to use that. Find out your what, your how and your why. But it’s super important that you really get into the roots of it. Only then you will find your epic personal brand and you can use it for all stages in getting hired for your dream job. How do you do that? Great question!
Fierce Your Personal Brand
You ask yourself the right questions to really get to the core and how do you that is with my personal branding workbook. And I have some great news!
Only in December 2024, I decided to offer my personal branding module separately, and with a huge discount, from my other courses. I never did this before and I’ll probably never do it again. But this is my Christmas gift to you guys. So that you can start your 2025 with an EPIC personal brand.
What to expect in Fierce Your Personal Brand?
The full personal branding module with 5 lessons where I go super in-depth about personal branding, how to find it and how to use it
The epic Personal Branding Workbook that is going to help you not only find your personal brand, but get super clear on it too. So that you can use it in every stage of finding your dream job.
That’s it from me for now.
As always, stay focused, stay fierce, and never settle!
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