Yes girl!! Let’s make 2025 the year where all of your dreams come true. What are your goals for 2025? And please call them goals and not “New Year’s resolutions”. Research has shown that all New Year’s resolutions fail by the 3rd week of January. But, of course, if your goals happen and your dreams come true, all comes down to one person: YOU. Do you keep working and fighting for them? Or are you giving up? Will you keep your focus? Or will you get distracted? Let’s discuss 5 tips on growing your career in 2025. Without giving up and without getting distracted.
1. Make sure that you’re in the right place
This is the most important one. Because we don’t just want you to achieve your career goals in 2025, we want you to be happy while achieving those goals. So before we can even start with talking about growing in your career, we need to be sure that you’re in the right one. So, in the first tip, we’re looking back before we can look forward. Take a look at 2024 and ask yourself these things:
- Do you still like your job? Are there still enough challenges or is is time to grow to a different position?
- Do you even still like your work at all? Or is it time for a big change?
- What about your employer? Do you feel a sense of pride that you’re working there? Do you feel appreciated by your manager and your team? Do you like going to the office? Are you excited to start a new day there? Or is there a day waiting for you where Karen starts complaining again? And again?
Just to move on on that last one, your colleagues can also make a HUGE difference if you still like working at your current employer or if you don’t. Your employer can be everything you want, but if you’re constantly surrounded by an ocean of complaining, it can quickly get draining for you to go to work.
2. Are you achieving the goals that were laid out for your role?
Another thing to consider if we speak about growing your career, is if you are achieving the goals that they’ve laid out for this role, for you, when they hired you. Try to think back to the job interviews. You probably discussed what they were expecting of you. Are you achieving those goals?
Did you do some goal planning or did you just start working and before you knew it you were doing the job, but are you doing it right? Are you doing it the way that your managers are expecting you to? Did you achieve the goals that you spoke about in the beginning? If not, start planning your goals.
This is how I start my private coaching Dream Career Accelerator program. Mapping out the goals that they want you to achieve. This way we speeded up the growth in my client Anna’s career. Within 6 months she got a raise. How did your past 6 months look like?
Think about the goals they want you to achieve and plan out those goals. If you’re looking for a process where we speed up everything and get crystal clear on what to do, then apply for my Accelerator program.
3. How are you in the team?
Most real career tigers are so focused on doing their job right and showing off their results, that they forget to build relationships with the other people in the team. Well, some forget and some just don’t care. They keep their eyes on the prize. And having lunch with the team? Going on short walks with the team? Having after work drinks with the team? No, thank you. They are there to focus on their career and nothing else.
This might be a mistake. Or, not might, it is a mistake. Your manager is watching you. Sure, they see that you’re always working and bringing in great results. But not one big company is built all by 1 person. It’s because of teamwork. You’re not doing teamwork if you’re not really a part of the team. Managers also see that.
Have lunch with your colleagues and chat about your lives outside of work. Start by taking a short walk once a week. Participate in after work drinks once a month. Make an effort in getting to know the team, so that you can work even better together. Your manager will notice that.
4. Have conversations
It can be so obvious, but you might not have thought about it. Or you might be scared of having these kinds of conversations. But having a conversation with your manager on a regular basis can be so important in knowing what’s going on, where they’re at and what you still have to improve or certain things they want to see you do more of.
I advise you to schedule a monthly meeting with your manager. Tell them what your goals are and how they see that. What’s their take on that? What’s needed to get there? Is it even possible to get there? What else is possible?
5. Look for your next step outside the door
This can be your solution if your answer to tip number 1 was “no”. Just because you started at your current employer, doesn’t mean that you have to stay there. It can also be that your current employer has promised you the world, but you’re just not getting any further.
Time to look elsewhere, my friend! And you can look for the next step. What would your promotion be at your current role and company? You can apply for that role!
If you want to know all the ins and outs of finding and getting hired for your dream role at your dream company, then we should talk, because I can help you in my private career coaching program Dream Career Magnet. Let’s go!
That’s all for me this week.
Remember: chase your dreams, be fierce and never settle!
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